About Me

Hi. I am looking for a job that will move me not only earnings, but also new knowledge. I am an active and positive person. I like to meet new people. I try to do everything punctually and accurately. If you are looking for such a person, so I am in front of you.

Technical Summary

o Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and responsive UI, JSON, VueJS (Quasar, NuxtJS)
o Backend: Codeigniter Framework, Laravel Framework, FuelPHP Framework
o PHP CMS: WordPress, Joomla, Nukeviet, JohnCMS, Xenforo
o Database: MySQL, Firebase
o Code versioning: Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket
o API: RESTful APIs, GraphQL, Webhook
o Tools: Phpstorm, Sublime Text, Filezilla, Visual Studio Code, Postman, Photoshop, XAMPP, Apollo Studio

Work Experience


TNR Tower - HCM
06/2022 – 12/2024

o Terra:
• Project Description:
Human Resource Management System
: A comprehensive human resource management system that supports business administration on a specific platform and is conveniently available at any time, from any location via online and mobile apps. terra HR System provides many services for the human resource department including: Attendance Management, Payroll Calculation, Employee Data Management, Time-off & Overtime Permission, Social Insurance, Recruitment, Labor Contract, Training and Performance Management.
- Website: https://terra-plat.vn
- Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vn.tmnsolutions.vpo.mobile
- IOS App: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/terra-vinapayroll/id1578813741
Responsibilities:- Analysis of database design- Building solutions for calculating salary, timekeeping, human resource management.
Technologies:- Build backend & API (Laravel GraphQL)- Build frontend (NuxtJS)- Server: Nginx (Viettel IDC)- MinIO (S3)
Tools: VSCocde, Gitlab, Freedcamp, Tinkerwell, Docker, Navicat


EBM Buidling - HCM
11/2018 – 06/2022

Implement internal projects of the company, maintain partner websites, and write APIs to connect to the app.

o Orange Coin:
• Project Description:- Orange Coin assists the company to remunerate the employees and actively improve the interactions between employees. Moreover, it supports the evaluation of the pros and cons of the employees which we can not easily visualize in the performance report.Orange Coin is an effective solution to eliminate internal issues for organizations and business groups. It helps to find out the good characteristics of an individual in the company's activities which can't easily be figured out by the ratio of the evaluation system. The app is also a tool to help employees in the company gift thanks by coin to their supporters.
- Website: https://orange-coin.net
- Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jp.orangecoin
- IOS App: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/orange-coin/id1529219319?l=en
Responsibilities:- Analysis of database design- Build initial frontend with layout design
Technologies:- Build backend & API (GraphQL)- Build frontend (VueJS)- Laravel Websockets- Server: Nginx (AWS EC2)- Deployment with CircleCI
- Tools: VSCocde, Bitbucket

o e-connection for SN‪S:
Project Description:- It is an application that you can easily operate "e-connection for SNS" provided by Food Connection Co., Ltd. from your smartphone. Posting, image management, and cooperation with each SNS are possible.[Recommended operating environment]The following operating environment is recommended for "e-connection for SNS". If the version is not the recommended operating environment, it may not work properly or the installation itself may not be possible, so please update to the recommended operating environment.
- Website: https://e-connection.info/user
- Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fcblogmobile
- IOS App: https://apps.apple.com/gy/app/e-connection-for-sns/id1162020297
Responsibilities:- Receive projects from partners, maintain and upgrade. fix bug.
• Technologies:- FuelPHP framework- Server: Nginx/Apache (AWS EC2 - Plesk)- Deployment with GIT
Tools: VSCocde, Bitbucket,


01/2017 – 09/2018

o 08/2018 – 9/2018: Developer, HeyGuru
• Project Description:
- HeyGuru ! connects people who possess certain skills (teachers & coaches), with people who want to learn or improve on those skills (students).- There are unlimited subjects and areas where these skills can be imparted. The most traditional is school students trying to master a particular subject ie. the usual tuition subjects.
• Responsibilities:- Analysis of database design- Build initial frontend with layout design- Build backend
• Technologies:- The website was developed in Codeigniter Framework, Apache as the Web server, MySQL server as database.- Tools: Phpstorm, Filezilla, Bitbucket

o 08/2018 – 9/2018: Developer, Eform SignProject Description:
- The image management and image editing application is connected to the web client via the RESTful APIs
• Responsibilities:- Analysis of database design- Build backend- Create API connect with App
• Technologies:- The website was developed in Lumen Framework, Apache as the Web server, MySQL server as database.- Tools: Phpstorm, Filezilla, Bitbucket

o 04/2018 – 08/2018: Developer, PA AMS
• Project Description:- A unique way to take place traditional keys and swipe cards. By using a simple web interface and mobile app, approved users are added to the system via their email addresses. Once added, these users present a QR code via Email, that when held up to the system, allows them to unlock the door.
- Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adquestasia.paams
- IOS App: https://itunes.apple.com/vn/app/pa-ams/id1404733399
• Responsibilities:- Analysis of database design- Build backend- Create API connect with App
• Technologies:- The website was developed in Codeigniter Framework, Apache as the Web server, MySQL server as database.- Tools: Phpstorm, Filezilla, Bitbucket

o 02/2017 – 04/2018: Developer, Polytech Inventory System
• Project Description:- This is the system of warehouse management, items, orders, sales, transportation, etc. are managed by the website. Help business statistics test easily.
• Responsibilities:- Analysis of database design- Build backend
• Technologies:- The website was developed in Codeigniter Framework, Apache as the Web server, MySQL server as database.- Tools: Sublime Text, Filezilla, Bitbucket

o 01/2017 – 03/2018: Developer, UK Live Entertainment
• Project Description:- UK Live Entertainment is an event, music, and entertainment booking agency. Provide music and entertainment, to venues, and events; including weddings and parties, all across the UK, and internationally.
- Link: http://uklive.co
• Responsibilities:- Analysis of database design- Build backend- Build frontend
Technologies:- The website was developed in Codeigniter Framework, Apache as the Web server, MySQL server as database.
Tools: Phpstorm, Filezilla, Bitbucket


01/2016 – 12/2016

- Project: Xe May Hoan Phuoc
The website was developed in CMS Wordpress, Apache as Web server, MySQL server as database.
- Tools:
Sublime Text, Filezilla
- Link: https://xemayhoanphuoc.vn



SEP 2013 — SEP 2016

Courses, Trainings and Certificates

Meta Back-End Developer: (link)


Google Project Management: (link)


Meta Front-End Developer (link)


Certificate of Microsoft (link)


Certificate of Google Cloud (link)


Certificate of Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert (link)


Certificate of MongoDB (link)





reading books



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